Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaibarbascu7, 8 ani în urmă


Am nevoie de un eseu in limba engleza de 150 de cuvinte, pro în care să enumăr avantajele in a lucra ambi părinți.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Comlly


The advantages of both parents working

While there are some disadvantages of both parents working, there are also many advantages. When both parents are working, the money are double. Instead of only one salary, there would be two salaries, which would increase the amount of things you can afford. Another advantage is that their kid would learn how to do things on their own if they can't have a babysitter or a relative to take care of them. For example, the kid would know how to make food without anyone's help or how to take care of the house. The parents would also learn how to make time for both the job and the housework.

If both parents work, they could also afford to go on many trips so all the work they do would be worth it in the end. There would also be enough money for the kids necessities, like food and school supplies.


150-151 de cuvinte dar sper ca e ok (apropo, nu stiu daca am pus aliniatele bine )

mihaibarbascu7: e ok
mihaibarbascu7: mersi de răspuns
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