Engleza, întrebare adresată de jsjsjwbwndkjshsjcd, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de ajutor va rogggg​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bluish


1. I broke my arm while I was climbing a tree.

2. Das was doing a Maths test, when his phone rang.

3. The police caught the thied while he was jumping over the wall.

4. When my mum got home, we weren't doing out homework.

5. While I was taking photos in the town centre, I saw my best friend.

6. My friends were swimming in the sea when it started to rain.

jsjsjwbwndkjshsjcd: Mulțumescc!
bluish: Cu plăcere!
Răspuns de delia3328
1)broke, climbed
2) did , jumped
3) catches, jumped
4) got, didn’t
5) was taking, saw
6) were swimming, stared
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