Engleza, întrebare adresată de teodoranagy, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de niște traduceri in engleză in proporție de 90% corecte, va rooog.
"După cum știți, îmi place foarte tare sa joc tenis. Am practicat sportul asta 7 ani. Acum urmează întâmplarea, și țin sa precizez ca după asta mi-am dat seama cât de puternica sunt. Eram la un concurs, jucam, totul era bine, și la un moment dat mi-am prins degetul de racheta de tenis și brusc am simțit o durere imensa. Am început sa plâng, nu mai vedeam nimic in jurul meu și am început sa ratez toate loviturile. După câteva ratări, mi-am sters lacrimile, mi-am zis ca pot sa câștig, așa ca m-am concentrat pe minge și nu mi-a venit sa cred ca am continuat și am câștigat meciul chiar dacă aveam degetul rupt. M-am considerat o luptătoare și mi-am dat seama ca nu trebuie sa renunți niciodată pana nu Reușești ceea ce ți-ai propus."
Mulțumesc de ajutor

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
" As you know, I really like playing tennis. I practiced this sport for 7 years. Now it's happening and I want to say that after that I realized how strong I am. I was at a contest, I was playing, everything was good and at one point I caught my finger in the tennis racket and suddenly I felt a huge pain. I started crying, I don't see anything around me and I started to miss all the blows. After a few missings I deleted my tears, I said I could win, and I focused on the ball and I could not believe that I continued and I won the match even if I had my finger broken. I considered myself a fighter and I realized that you should never give up for what you did."

sper că e bine... mult succes in continuare !!!!
Răspuns de stefaniamar
As you know, I truly enjoy playing tennis. I've been practicing this sport for seven years. Now, I will tell you about the moment which made me realize how strong I am. I was in a competition,playing tennis, and everything seemed to be alright, until I caught my finger in my tennis racket and felt a huge pain. I started crying, I couldn't see anything around me and I was missing all shots. After a few missed hits, I wiped my tears and told myself that I could win, so I focused on the ball and I simply couldn't believe that I kept on playing. In the end, I won the game, although I had my finger broken. I realized that a was a fighter, and that you should never give up until you succeed accomplishing your own goals/dreams.

sper ca e ok

teodoranagy: Mulțumesc frumos
teodoranagy: e foarte ok
Utilizator anonim: NPC
stefaniamar: nici o problema :)
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