Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lorik, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o compunere cu titlul Spring holiday..Va rog :-*

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de toadermunteanu820
In the spring holiday is a very beautiful wheather.The sun is shining alwais and there are wonderful flowers.They could be pink,like the roses,or red,white and anymore.I love the sky who is so blue and beautiful,too.The temperature is very good for a perfect day.I like to play with my friends only outside,because after a cold winter,we are happy for these beautiful days.I love to eat taditional Romanian food with all my family.
Răspuns de AncaBirnoiu
                                            My spring holiday

     My spring holiday was awesome!I had a great time! The weather was sunny and wonderful, and I am glad because I did a lot of fun things.For exemple:I played tennis, I read an amazing book and I do not want to lie and I”ll say I spent some time online.
     The Easter was so great! I helped my mom to cook the tasty traditional food.My favourite activity was painting the eggs.We were at the church and after we had a little party with all my relatives .
     This holiday was so perfect, but like all the students I wrote my homework at the end ... :)
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