Engleza, întrebare adresată de vulpea74, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o compunere in engleza in care sa imi povestiti despre filmul Titanic. Trebuie sa apara cum este filmul(ex:S.F, horror) De cine este facut , personajele principale, iar apoi povestirea cu first, then, after that, next si finally . MULTUMESC! DAU 50 DE PUNCTE.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MaraIasminutza

Titanic is a very popular movie. It was released in 1997 and since then it became famous. It's a drama movie based on true events made by James Cameron. Its main charactes are Rose and Jack, 2 lovers completly opposite.

First, they met unfortunately when Rose wanted to end her life by jumping off the boat. Thankfully Jack saved her. Then, they got to know each other until they both fell in love with each other. After that, they started hanging out a lot when one day they heard a noise and they found out what was gonna happen. Next, the flood was already near them so they had to run to the highest point of the boat. Finally, the boat sinked and none of them could get on a saving boat. They ended up being on a floading wooden piece. Thats when Jack died in front of Roses eyes. Soon after that she got on a saving boat and she escaped. Now she s an old lady living her life.

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