Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeaiancu444, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o compunere in engleză in care sa spui despre casa in care locuiești(trebuie sa fie de 100 de cuvinte)!

andreeaiancu444: E URGENTTT!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cCGeorgeCc


                                               The House i live in

I live in a two storied building in ..... with my family. It is very gorgeous building to look at. The color of the building is green. It is situated at ...... There is an open field in front of the house. So, the sunshine and fresh air can easily enter into it. It has four bedrooms, one drawing room, one dining room and a kitchen. There is also a reading room here. I have made a beautiful flower garden near my reading room. The garden is seen through the window of my reading room. Different kinds of flowers are blossomed in different seasons. Therefore, it spreads sweet scent all over the house. I enjoy all kinds of modern facilities in my house. There is no shortage of water, electricity and gas. My house is situated at an native residential area. The total area is surrounded by a boundary wall and security facility is available here all time. As a result, our locality is free from pollution . I feel happy living such an ideal house.


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