Engleza, întrebare adresată de deealoveyou73, 9 ani în urmă

am nevoie de o compunere la engleza de 150 de cuvinte despre importanța copacilor in viata oamenilor. Dau coroana!!!! Ajutor!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de roby200105
Since the beginning, trees have furnished us with two of life's essentials, food and oxygen. As we evolved, they provided additional necessities such as shelter, medicine, and tools. Today, their value continues to increase and more benefits of trees are being discovered as their role expands to satisfy the needs created by our modern lifestyles. Trees are an important part of every community. Our streets, parks, playgrounds and backyards are lined with trees that create a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing environment. Trees increase our quality of life by bringing natural elements and wildlife habitats into urban settings. We gather under the cool shade they provide during outdoor activities with family and friends. Many neighborhoods are also the home of very old trees that serve as historic landmarks and a great source of town pride. Using trees in cities to deflect the sunlight reduces the heat island effect caused by pavement and commercial buildings. -

deealoveyou73: poți sa îmi spui si in romana ce ai zis ?
roby200105: Este buna? 
deealoveyou73: spune'mi si in romana acuma ce ai scris acolo ca sa stiu daca e buna sau nu . te rog frumos
roby200105: Crede-ma e luată din caietul meu de la meditații
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