Engleza, întrebare adresată de Liare, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o concluzie in engleza despre "foamete". Sa fie cam de 5-8 randuri!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AmiGia
Famine is a phenomenon where a large part of the population of a region or country is so poorly fueled that death through inanimation becomes a common phenomenon. Despite the very large economic and technological resources of the modern world, famine hits many of the planet's regions, especially the developing countries where poverty prevails.
Răspuns de Stropinel
That being said, famine should be treated as well as the way we treat homeless people, the way we treat obesity, the way we treat dogs and other street animals, the way we treat beggers; with respect and compassion; mercy in the first hand. It is a huge problem that some people don't have anything to eat; not even the single piece of bread that we throw away because we don't need that anymore or because we are too greedy to keep it in our pockets until we meet a starving or a hungry man on the streets and hand it to him. It is crucial that something like that happens daily in our society. Let's help starvation with edibles and hydration.

Liare: Poti sa faci si o traducere in romana, te rog frumos?
Stropinel: Acestea fiind spuse, foametea ar trebui tratata precum tratam oamenii saraci, precum tratam obezitatea, precum tratam cainii si alte animale ale strazii, precum tratam cersetorii; cu respect si compasiune; mila in primul rand.
Stropinel: Este o problema imensa ca unii oameni nu au nimic sa manance; nici macar o singura felie de paine pe care noi o aruncam deoarece nu ne mai trebuie sau pentru ca suntem prea lacomi sa o pastram in buzunare pana cand intalnim un astfel de om care moare de foame, sau un om am strazii si sa i-o inmanam. Este crucial faptul ca ceva ca asta se intampla in fiecare zi in societate. Haideti sa ajutam foametea cu alimente si hidratare.
Liare: Mersi frumos!
Stropinel: Cu placere ^^
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