Engleza, întrebare adresată de magnetdana, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o descriere sub forma de compunere a României in limba engleza(locuri de vizitat, malu-uri, parcuri frumoase etc.)

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Răspuns de cropivnitchi
Each county has a few magical places that you must visit. Braila County is no exception. It resides in namesake city and neighboring counties of Vrancea, Galati, Tulcea, Constanta, Ialomita and Buzau. Here are places in the county that you should not miss when you're in the area. And if you want to visit, interested in yourself and accommodation.Fortress BrăileiThe ruins of the ancient city of Braila, documented in 1368, and has left its mark on the city. The fortress was built thanks to access to the Danube port that is importing various commodities. The historic center of Braila Municipality and currently retains traces of this city and the underground tunnels used by the Turks.Water Castle in BrailaWater Castle is one of the most important symbols of the city of Braila It is a building which has been called historic. The castle was built in 1912 by architect Elie Radu, who managed a performance for the period: to feed half the city's population with water. From a tourism perspective, this was the first restaurant and bar rotator the country. Currently the castle is included in a rehabilitation project to be playable in use.The clock in BrailaMarket Traian Braila city hosts another historical monument in the county, a clock dating back over 100 years. The clock, built in 1909 by Peter P. Nahum, is considered a symbol of the old city and it still operates at second. It is said that the Soviet troops during World War I wanted to tear down the clock, but finally hung just the tip of the hammer and sickle communist symbol.
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