Engleza, întrebare adresată de ddamiann03, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o scrisoare formală în care să cer informații despre un curs de vară , detalii specifice,nu pot folosii numele meu real.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de clel


Dear Mr/Mrs (numele persoanei care ii scrii)

I am writing with regard to the ad I saw on google for summer courses. I would like to participate in it and ask for some further information about it.

To begin with,where the location is exactly? Also do I have to pay for the time spent there?

In addition, I would also like to know when do the summer courses start? Do I have to be there on the exact day or can I come whenever I want? I would also like to know what courses are going to be there? Are there school ones or hobby specific ones? Finally, what are the benefits of this summer camp?

Thank you for your help and time. I look forward to your response.

Your sincerely,Tom Longdon(nume englezesc dacă ești baiat)/Emily Smith(nume englezesc dacă ești fata)

clel: Yours sincerely***
ddamiann03: mulțumesc frumos
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