Engleza, întrebare adresată de EdiStoian, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o scurta compunere cu titlul "Four walls and a roof"

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Jmecheras
It all started in that Saturday when i decided to visit the museum.I got lost so i asked for directions.A suspicious looking man led the way to an abandoned building.I knew something was wrong so i told him i'd ask somebody else but he violently insisted that we should go in that building.I began running away and before i knew it i lost consciousness.I woke up in a small room with no door.Only a phone with a single contact,"Call Me".Running out of options and oxygen i decided to call the number.A man with a funny voice told me it was all a prank.Needless tos say,i was very upset about this sick prank until he said he'd offer me 500$ for the inconvinience.I go home with 500$ and a hell of a tale 
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