Engleza, întrebare adresată de MarriaMr, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de o scurtă compunere in engleză,despre orice !

nicustancu75: on monday I go to school at 7 ' clock. i have a breakfast with mai family. i like reading a book. my garden is beautiful. it has pink flower and green tree. i have a good friend . she is nice. this is my family and i love . i love my life too.
nicustancu75: sper sa iti placa
jenicamalai: Friendship is very important, especially for me. During my studying, from elementary school to university, I have lots of friends. Among these, there are a few friends who are my best friends.
Now I would like to describe you one of my best friend whose name is Peter. A main reason for what I consider him my best friend is that he has a warm personality.
He is very friendly when he meets me. He smiles politely and asks me what have I done in the days when we didn’t see each other.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de danadelia17
It s a nice and sunny day of spring.My and my friend have decided to go in park.There a lot of people are sitting and tolking.The children are playing ,runing and making big noise.
From the trees     we can hear beautiful birds    songs ,and arownd are flaying nice butterflies.
Spring is my favorite season!

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