Engleza, întrebare adresată de cervicescuandra2009, 8 ani în urmă

am nevoie de rezolvare pana mâine,dau coroana!!!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de daria3456
1. Do you come tonight?
2.Does he eat rice every day?
3. I’m working the moment
4.Does he come to London often?
5. He is playing tennis NOW
6.Do you come to the cinema later?
7.They don’t come to the party tomorrow.
8.He doesn’t playing golf NOW
9.Do you play tennis this Sunday?
10.They go to the restaurant every Saturday
11. She doesn’t go to the cinema very often
12.You usually arive late
13.He normaly eats dinner At home
14. Do you study every night?
16. You don’t go out later
17 I don’t work tonight
18. Is she working AT the moment?
19. I don’t drink coffe very often
20.Julie is sleeping NOW
Sper ca te am ajutat
Te rog coroana

daria3456: 15. Do they work late usually
daria3456: Scuze l am uitat
daria3456: Coroana Pls?
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