Engleza, întrebare adresată de georgeleahu, 8 ani în urmă

am nevoie de rezolvare urgent in seara asta​


georgeleahu: la execririul 3 înțelegi scrisul?
stingaf71: decat enuntul nu...
georgeleahu: il scriu imediat
stingaf71: ok!astept....
georgeleahu: Use reported speech.
a) "They live în Boston"
She said That...
b) We have cleaned the windows "
He said that...
c)"My mother will be 60 years old"
Tom sai that...
d) I am watching TV
She said that...
georgeleahu: astea sunt exercițiile
stingaf71: ok,acum ma apuc sa le scriu:)
georgeleahu: mulțumesc mult
stingaf71: Din pacate la 1 nu prea inteleg nici eu,sper ca nu te superi daca nu l fac=(
georgeleahu: ok

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nicadiana94


a) cold - colder - the coldest

b) tall - taller - the tallest

c) old - older - the oldest

d) careful - more careful - the most careful

e) difficult - more difficult - the most difficult

f) bad - worse - the worse

g) wet - wetter - the wettest

h) good - better - best

i) little - littler/ less - littlest/ least

j) funny - funnier - funniest


a) I have finished reading the book.

b) Have you ever been to Spain?

c) He has worked as an engineer for years.

d) We have visited Paris recently.


She said that they lived in Boston.

He said that we had cleaned the windows.

Thom said that his mother would be 50 years old.

She said that she was watching TV.

la exercitiul 3 a trebuit sa caut regulile pentru Reported Speech, asa ca sper ca e bine. iti recomand sa mai arunci un ochi pe el, totusi

sper ca te am ajutat!

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