Engleza, întrebare adresată de andu2311, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de transformarea propozitilor din poza!!!! cum am facut la scoala! ex : normala : The officer said to the soldiers Break up the lines!
Transformata : The officers asked the soldiers to break up the lines. refreshing uri sunt cred


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de zuzuuuuu
1) My mother Said that she is not working today because it’s sunday.
2) my father Said that he will call you towmorow
3)My brother Said that he is very bussy Now
4) bem Said that we were all invited to THE Party yesterday
5)Ana Said that this is not true
6) Sera Said that tonight there is a concert
7)my grandmother Said that she knows that she put her glasses here
8) Simon Said that THE Spare sports will arrive NexT week
9) Sim Said that they won a match THE day before yesterday
10) Seu Said that these are not her shoes

andu2311: Multumesc mult!!!
zuzuuuuu: Nu ai pt ce♥️ poți te rog sa imi dai un mulțumesc? E butonul ala de jos♥️mss
andu2311: Iti dau
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