Engleza, întrebare adresată de emymaryan, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de un dialog de 7-8 replici intre o agentie si un client care descrie cum arata pt el casa visurilor la telefon.in engleza.va multumesc

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CodrinaIoana
-Hello. Regal Couture Agency?
-Yes. We are. How can we help you?
-Well, I want to decorate my house.
-Okey. Please tell me the disciption of the house of your dream.
-Okey. I want my livingroom to have a green theme, with a big carpet, a dark brown table in the middle of the room, a big sofa, and bookshelves on the walls.
-And the colour of the walls?
-I want one wall green, another one dark green, one light green, and the other one a combination between this colours.
-Okey the workers will come tomorrow. Please send me in one SMS your adress and the sizes of the room.
Okey. Thank you.

emymaryan: Multumesc frumos! :)
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