Engleza, întrebare adresată de dorhoiionut76, 8 ani în urmă

am nevoie de un dialog in engleza care folosește 5 verbe present simple si 5 verbe present compus​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de daisyhi


buna !

- Hi Anna ! What are you doing ?

- Hello Helen ! I'm making a sandwich. Do you want one ?

- Yes please , I'm starving.

- Here , You can take mine. I'm making another.

- Thankyou ! How was your day ?

- Boring. Nothing happened, how about you ?

- Mine was the worst.

- What happened?

- I fell and know my arm is hurting.

- Oh , that sucks !

- Yea , do you wanna watch a movie ?

- Sure , let's make popcorn first !

- Yes ! I love popcorn.

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