Engleza, întrebare adresată de rizardibianca99, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de un email in engleza : From...... To.... Subjet..... Greeting......Factual details....etc va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
To:[email protected]
From:[email protected]
Subsect: sincere apologies

Greeting: my dear, Bianca
 Reason for writing: I'm writing to tell you how sorry I am that I've broken the DVD player that you lent me last week!

Factual detalis: It must have been my baby brother who tried to atch some cartoons when I was not at home. I shouldn't have let the DVD player within his reach:
Convincing detalis: I have already talked to my uncle who is an engineer and he promised to take care of it, but it may take some time. Please , rest assured that you'il have it back alright , or I'll buy you another one.
Closing greetings and apologies: Kisses and apologies,

rizardibianca99: Multumesc mult
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