Engleza, întrebare adresată de pepilulmarius, 7 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de un eseu cu titlul Feeling Miserable in engleza va rog!!!! Dau coroana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Enkosmos

"I am feeling miserable," I thought to myself. "What could be wrong with being happy?"

I continued to think about how great and happy I felt, and how possible it would be to take away the happiness of others. I began to feel like I was in a deep, dark hole that nobody could help me get out of.

I was feeling miserable because I was not getting the happiness I wanted from life. I was feeling happy because had found a good person who loved me and wanted me to be happy. I was feeling happy because I was able to help others feel happy. I was feeling happy because I was able to take care of myself and be happy.

The more I thought about it, the more unhappy I felt. I was not getting the happiness I wanted from life, and I was feeling miserable because of it.

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