Engleza, întrebare adresată de flavianadasan23, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de un rezumat al acestui film în engleza.
Am mare nevoie de el și va rog cât de repede puteți.
Voi da coroana celui sau celei care îmi da cel mai bun rezumat. ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andrerusu

The story begins when Coraline Jones and her parents move into an old four-story house. The other occupants are Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, two old women who have retired from the stage, and the Madman Above Above (whose name is later revealed to be Mr. Bobo), an eccentric acrobat who leads a circus of jumping mice.On a rainy day, Coraline is not allowed to go outside, so she ends up discovering a locked door that had been built. Going to visit his neighbors, he receives a message from the mice, through the acrobat: do not enter that door. While having tea with Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, the former reads in the tea leaves and sees danger in the girl's future, which causes her to give him a magic stone for protection.Despite these warnings, Coraline takes advantage of the moment when she is alone at home and unlocks the door. The wall has disappeared, and in its place is a long tunnel, which leads to an apartment identical to the one he had left, inhabited by another mother and another father, replicas of the real parents, but with buttons instead of eyes. In this "Other World", Coraline sees that everything is better than in reality: the toy box has animated characters that can move and fly, the other Miss Spink and the other Miss Forcible play in a cabaret show, and the old Madman Above all, her trained mice do shows just for her. Besides, she discovers that the Black Cat walking around the house in the real world can talk, but the girl finds out that she does not belong to that Other World, but has come to warn her of an imminent danger, which Coraline does not pay attention to.The other mother gives Coralina the chance to stay forever in the Other World, provided she lets her button her eyes. Coraline is terrified and runs to the real house, to the disappointment of the Other Mother. When she returns to the old apartment, Coraline does not find her real parents and, when she sees that they will not appear the next day, she deduces that the Other Mother has kidnapped them. Although scared, the girl returns to the Other World to save them. The other mother tries again to persuade her to stay, but Coraline refuses and, as punishment, is locked behind a mirror.

In the dark, she meets three ghost children, each from another time, who let Beldam (The Other Mother) sew them buttons instead of eyes. They tell him how, in the end, she got bored of them, ate their bodies, and enchanted their souls. The ghost children beg Coraline to avoid this fate and help them find their souls in order to leave the Other World.

When the other mother frees Coraline from behind the mirror, the girl is urged by the cat to face her, because "she's the kind who loves games and challenges." Coraline proposes a game in which she has to find the souls of the three ghost children, as well as her parents, who are hidden in the Other World. If the girl wins, she, her parents and the ghost children can go free. If not, Coraline will let the other mother sew her buttons instead of her eyes.

In her search for the Other World, Coraline overcomes all the obstacles set in the way of the Other Mother, using the agility and the stone received from Miss Spink to find the souls of the ghost children and her parents. As the game draws to a close, the ghost children warn Coraline that even if she wins, the other mother will not let her go. Guessing that her parents are prisoners in the snow globe, Coraline tricks the Other Mother into being behind a door, and when she opens it, the girl grabs the globe, throws the cat at her, takes the key, and runs away into the real world. When he closes the door, he grabs the Other Mother's hand, injuring her. When she gets home, Coraline finds her parents safe and sound.

During that night, Coraline dreams of meeting the three children before they move on to the afterlife. They warn her that her work is not over, because the Other Mother's hand is in the real world, waiting to grab the key that opens the door that unites the worlds. Coraline goes to a well in the woods near the house, using the key to lure the Other Mother's hand to the bottom of the well. Victorious, she returns home, ready to resume her normal life that she has come to accept and love.

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