Engleza, întrebare adresată de dariayvonne0, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie neapărat!Sper ca ma puteți ajuta!Ofer coroană ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de chiscadomnica
If he studied hard, he would pass the exam.
If you tell me the truth, I will be be very happy.
I could visit London if I saved some money.
If Mark followed my advice he wouldn't have so many problems.
I would build a hospotal if I had muh money.
My sister will cry if she won't pass the driving test.
You will be a better tennis player if you would practice every day.

dariayvonne0: Mulțumesc!
dariayvonne0: Unele sunt greșite!
1ndependent: la mine e corect
Răspuns de 1ndependent
1. studied could pass
2. told would be
3. could saved
4. followed wouldn’t have
5. could had
6. would wouldn’t pass
7. could would practice

dariayvonne0: si la doua la 7 mai am de completat
dariayvonne0: Am rezolvat oricum!Mersi mult pentru timpul acordat.
1ndependent: bine, cu plăcere
1ndependent: credeam ca doar would se poate
dariayvonne0: Doar would am folosit
dariayvonne0: doar ca la 5 la prima casetă era o greseală de la ei.Am pus woud bulid si a fost corect,iar la 7 era practiced.
dariayvonne0: build*
1ndependent: și didn t in loc de would not
1ndependent: aa
dariayvonne0: Da
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