Am nevoie pentru o nota,va rog mult!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
EX1: Love is a sense of satisfaction. It is a feeling that cannot be explained but just realized. When I enter my house, it feels home because there are people waiting for me. This bond between us is love. When I meet my friends I am ought to forget the sense of time simply enjoying the nonsense stuff. It is nonsense yet doing that makes us satisfied with each other. Love is not a great thing rather it is a collection of small beautiful things that are simple gestures showing care.
Ideal love is what your parents do to you. The meaning of ideal love is "Doing without expecting the returns".
That's what your parents do. They expect nothing in return, when they love you, when they care for you. But most of the times your love is not ideal to them as when you grow up you want something in return to love them. You find a reason to love them that's why you have made Mother's day and Father's day. Do you really think a day is enough to them when they did it all for only you. When you are growing, they are knowing that you are trying to make distances but they never complaint. That's why parent's love is Ideal Love.
EX4:St. Valentine was a Roman priest and physician who suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus about 270. He was buried on the Via Flaminia, and Pope Julius I reportedly built a basilica over his grave.
EX 5: It all started when I was working security at the mall in my city, and at that point I had been there for over a year now. I was quite good at my job, so I along with other senior officers were tasked to take new officers around with us on calls to both participate and learn. A couple days prior, my boss tells me that he hired a new officer, one that didn’t have security experience but had military experience.
Considering the people he’d been hiring prior to this one, I was a little skeptical about whether or not they would just work for a week then quit. So, I took it with a grain of salt and was just excited to train someone new for the team.
That Saturday finally rolled around, and I just came into the office and had been changing into my uniform before I got on shift. While I was doing so, someone started unlocking the locker room so I called out “someone is in here!” since I primarily worked with males. When I opened the door to see who it was, I saw it was the new officer and I said “I was changing in there!” jokingly, and he said “so what??” back to me jokingly as well. I laughed a little, and my boss introduced me to him and we shook hands. I liked him from the start, he had something dorky yet strong about him.
The longer time went on and I was tasked to do lockup with him every night, I noticed that although I thought he was attractive, there was just this protective quality about him that drew me to him. However, I didn’t want to get involved only because I have dated a coworker before and it wasn’t too smart of me. But, while he could have left since I was the last to leave every night, he always stayed and did my final lockup with me and we would just talk and talk. At this point I knew he was interested, and despite my attempts to not be tempted, we shared a hug that set our hearts on fire one of those closing nights. We almost kissed, but both became so bashful we left it at that; it blew my mind it happened, because that’s not something I would do, and certainly not something I thought a manly guy like him would do. The next night after shift, we shared a similar hug, looked into each others eyes, and both went for a kiss that sent me flying. It felt like a first kiss even though it was far from it, and there were sparks stronger than I have ever had with a guy. He was so sweet afterwards getting all bashful and stuttery, hesitating then coming back for another kiss and so on. I can still remember the day so vividly, and from then on we hid it from our jobs but there’s only so much you can hide since we would exchange looks deeper than lust and handle calls together. A couple weeks after he left for another job in another city, I also had put in my 2 weeks notice because I was moving with him and admitted to the affair.
When I met him he was homeless and living in his car, smoked weed and didn’t want to be with another girl and would rather be alone. When he met me I was an uptight hopeless romantic, carried no appreciation for recreational anything, that only had one true committed love: my career. He saw me and fell apart, he even told me that day he went to his friend whom he was homeless with and just gushed over me more than he ever did over a girl. I wouldn’t consider someone with that description any other day no matter their looks, but I was so enamored by who he was that I wasn’t just dismissive. Today, we are now married and just as in love with each other as those first days of knowing we existed.