Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionutazagrean, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie putin ajutor.
1.Write an email of about 100 words to a friend of yours ,sharing some of your happy memories from childhood.

2.Write a short letter to your best friend to send him or her news about a great achivemenet of yours.

nokia2700: Hello, trebuie sa contina o anumita structura, sau doar textul?
ionutazagrean: Nu,nu trebuie

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gsdgsdgsg
I can only imagine the suffering that is in the soul of a survivor of the suicide attempt. Or in the soul of the survivors of his survivors ...I can imagine the pain and the wounds of those who, in addition to their despair, have to deal with the disapproval of those around them, their contemptuous attitude and upward looks. Or the sushi ...In turn, I'm looking for answers ... I invest time and resources in these quests of answers for people who, like you, may have gone through dramatic situations and want to know "why?", "What happened to him , With her, with their soul? "," How can I go further? "Or who simply want to be caressed, encouraged, or not condemned or looked up ...In the future, I want both as a psychologist and as a sociologist and theologian to try to do more. But for now, I want this blog to be a place where survivors and survivors of those who have gone through the harsh experience find a support group, a place where they can tell their steps, share their pains and experiences, Give voice to their burning questions ... And we, the others, try to find
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