Engleza, întrebare adresată de DenisRom, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie rapid/urgent
de ajutor de tradus în engleza propozițiile
1.Eu mi-am pierdut cheile
2.Tu nu ai facut patul
3.Voi ati cunoscut familia mea
4.Tu nu ai plătit sucul de portocale
5.Profesorul a pus cheia lângă tabla
6.Ai citit tu aceasta carte?
7.Eu am călărit un cal frumos
8.Telefonul tau nu a sunat
9.Copii au alergat in park
10.A spus ea poezia
dau coroană am nevoie urgent​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ilariaiacob08


1.I lost my keys.

2.You didn't make the bed.

3.You met my family.

4.You didn't pay for the orange juice.

5.The teacher put the key near the board.

6.Did you read this book?

7.I traveled on a horse.

8.Your phone didn't ring.

9.The kids ran in the park.

10.She said the story.

DenisRom: multumesc mult
mersicamaajutati: cu mare placere!(:
mersicamaajutati: nu mersi
Răspuns de mersicamaajutati


I lost my keys.

You didn't did the bed.

You knew my family.

You didn't pay the juice.

The teacher placed the key next to the board.

Did you read this book?

I ride a beautiful horse.

Your phone didn't ring.

Childrens ran in the park.

She say poetry.

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