Engleza, întrebare adresată de Esterabuble, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie să îmi scrieți doar verbele.
6 Use the following verbs in the Past Simple or Continuous
1. When I phoned my friends, they (play)…………………Monopoly.
2. Yesterday at six I (prepare) …………………. dinner.
3. The kids (play) …………………… in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
4. I (practice) ……………………. the guitar when he came home.
5. We (not / cycle)……………… all day.
6. While Aaron (work) …………………. in his room, his friends (swim) ……………. in the pool.
7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) …………………
8. What (you / do) ……………………. yesterday?
9. Most of the time we (sit) …………………….. in the park.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ana427257

were playing, was preparing, were playing, was practicing, dindn't cycle, was working, were swimming, weren't listening, did you do, sat

Esterabuble: Mersi
ana427257: cu drag
Esterabuble: Ai știi și la ultimul pus de mine?
ana427257: sa vad...
Răspuns de alinaolaru75


1. were playing

2. prepared

3 were playing

4. was practicing

5. didn't cycle

6 was working....were swimming

7. didn't listen

8. what did you do yesterday?

9. we sat

Esterabuble: Mulțumesc!
alinaolaru75: cu multa placere
Esterabuble: Am mai pus unul, dacă ai știi
alinaolaru75: gata
Esterabuble: Mersi
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