Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie sa imi spuneti unde sunt greseli in text (in special gramaticale, de exprimare) .

I am writing my opinion about the recent article about the new shopping centre . the new changes are useless , and bring more disadvantages . there will be more jobs but will increase traffic and noise . and the roads and more dangerous , especially for children . It is not normal that problem , protection of children is very important . And with the new changes will after the appearance of the town . The buildings will not look nice and the center would spoil the landscape . I am opposed new decisions , shopping center should not be done , I hope you consider the letter printed .

Vreau sa stiu doar ce modific , a fost tradus pe un site si nah.. . nu scrieti aiurea , primesc nota pe asta :)).

Utilizator anonim: Pentru ca imi spun opinia despre articolul ce are in subiect , centul .
Geta1955: Nu, tu acolo afirmi: "imi prezint/scriu parerea despre articolul recent despre.... etc. Deci, logic, daca vrei sa scrii despre un articol scrie ce greseli de redactare/limbaj are....
Utilizator anonim: Enuntul nu imi cere asta . ,,you read an article about a proposal to build a shopping centre uour town . Write a letter to the editor expressing your disagreement . '' Si trebuie sa respect un mic plan , adica sa folosesc ideile : provide new jobs but increase traffic , and noise , roads dangerous/children , town appearence change for worse-tear down beautiful olt buildings , replaced by centre .
Utilizator anonim: Nu prea am stiut cum sa scriu si nu inteleg deloc engleza . Am incercat ceva
Geta1955: Mai bine puneai textul in romana si ne rugai sa ti-l traducem in engleza. Faci si tu ca tanti aia care si-a cusut o rochie singura si a iesit o mizerie si apoi s-a dus la croitoreasca "sa i-o retuseze" ca sa arate bine.....
Utilizator anonim: Am mai facut asta si nu s-a oferit nimeni sa traduca sau o faceau pe google translate .
Geta1955: Pe cand iti trebuie
Utilizator anonim: Pana maine .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
I am writing to you related to the new built shopping center, about which you wrote in your recent article. I agree that this shopping center would bring benefits such as working places. However, it would bring also inconveniences; the traffic would be heavier and would generate car crashes. This area would be so crowded all the time that the children's safety would be jeopardized/endangered. This is an issue that should have been mentioned in the article. On the other hand, the buildings that are to be raised would change the look/appearance of the town. I do not agree with the new changes and I do hope my opinion to be taken into consideration so that the building of new shopping center will not start.
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