am nevoie si de traducere ,va rog sa ma ajutati am nevoie urgent!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
2. How old were you when you started school? - Cati ani aveai cand ai inceput scoala?
3. It's a travel book about a trip up the Amazon. - E un ghid turistic despre o calatorie pe Amazon.
4. My cousin spent the weekend watching videos. - Varul meu si-a petrecut weekend-ul uitandu-se la videoclipuri.
5. He never has breakfast in the morning. - El nu-si ia niciodata micul dejun dimineata.
6. They're staying at the Plaza Hotel in New York. - Ei stau la Plaza Hotel in New York.
7. It's hard for young people to find work. - Este greu pentru persoanele tinere sa gaseasca un loc de munca.
8. I'd love to travel round the world one day. - Mi-ar placea sa calatoresc imprejurul lumii intr-o zi.
9. It was the best holiday I've ever had. - A fost cea mai buna vacanta pe care am avut-o.
10. Manila is the capital of the Philippines. - Manila este capitala tarii Filipine.
11. They arrived by train this morning. - Ei au ajuns cu trenul in dimineata asta.
12. She learnt to play the piano when she was four. - Ea a invatat sa cante la pian cand avea patru ani.
13. My worst subject at school is Chemistry. - Materia la care sunt cel mai slab e chimia.
14. Let's play cards this evening. - Hai sa jucam carti in seara asta.
Sper ca te-am putut ajuta :)