Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

am nevoie urgent dau coroană ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bigmacmcdonaldskfc


1.The documents are printed by the secretary.

2. The door was closed by the cleaner.

3.The trainers are bought by the sportspeople.

4.Nu stiu ce inseamna mend

5.The letters are delivered by the postman

6.The newspaper was wrote by many people.

7.The milk is drank by her cat every evening.

8.Bags are being sold in these shops.

9.E-mails are being wrote by managers everyday.

10.Our grandparents are visiting by me every Sunday. -cred..


1.Coldplay is singing five wonderful songs.

2.Tom just gave me a new book.

3.My mom is stopping the taxi.

4.Somebody just stole my bike.

5.Shakespeare is writing Romeo and Juliet.

6.Charlie isn't winning the race.

7.My brother is wearing a Tshirt and shorts.

8.John just drank two bottles of juice.

9.The teenagers are playing volleyball.

10.The car mechanic is repairing his broken car.

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