Am nevoie urgent. Dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare
T-res was one of the greatest carnivores which lived in North America about 65 million years ago. The name Tyrannosaurus Rex means "king of the tyrant lizards". It had a massive skull which measured 1.5 metres, and a long and powerful tail. Its bite was equivalent to the force of an elephant sitting down. It could run very fast, 17 to 40 km/h to catch the prey, but we still don't know why their arms were so tiny. Scientists say that dinosaurs became extinct when a huge asteroid hit the Earth and produced dramatic changes in climate.
Present simple
Se folosește pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni ce se repetă & obiceiuri¹ sau adevăruri universale² (generalizări)
În present simple, forma verbului rămâne ca în dicționar, întrebările sunt formate cu do înainte, iar formele negative cu do not.
Pozitiv: You read.
Interogativ: Do you read?
Negativ: You do not read.
Când vorbim despre he/she/it, adăugăm verbelor -s sau -es, întrebările sunt formate cu does înainte, iar formele negative cu does not.
Pozitiv: He reads
Interogativ: Does he read?
Negativ: He does not read
→ E corect să utilizezi present simple când întâlnești în propoziție cuvinte precum always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, every day, every week, every year, on Mondays, after school, etc
¹ I play basketball / He always forgets his keys
² Cats like milk / The sun is hot
Past simple
Folosim pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni finisate, obiceiuri sau stări din trecut.
Formula: verb + ed (+ ied dacă verbul se termină în y)
walk + ed = walked
talk + ed = talked
reply + ed = replied
NB! Unele verbe au forme speciale: hit = hit, eat = ate, run = ran, etc