Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

am nevoie urgent dau coroane ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de kenedich

I was walking down the street going to my friends house after I finished my classes when suddenly I hear a big noise, it was coming from behind. I look fast to see what is happening and what i saw was breathtaking! Two cars crashed 150 feet behind my back! I was walking fast towards the incident to see if anyone got hurt and meanwhile I was calling 911 to report the accident. A lot of people came out of their houses to see what was happening while i was speaking to the dispatcher, telling her that I don't see anyone in the cars. She told me to look under the cars. I look down there and I immediately gasped. I saw two men laying down on the ground, all bloody and there was gas everywhere! I told the lady at the phone and she told me the ambulance will come immediately, i hang up the call and then i called my friend to tell her what happened. I am grateful that nothing happened to me.

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