Engleza, întrebare adresată de constantinadina24, 8 ani în urmă

am nevoie urgent de ajutor va rog.un eseu în limba engleză despre masca si despre perioada carantinei,avantajele si dezavantajele purtări măștii, titlul este::Wearing a mask is very useful for health!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de BookyBlack


I think that wearing a mask is so useful for health because it helps us to protect ourself of this virus. As you know the virus appeard in 2019 in China and now it is in the whole world. Every people in this world knows that is better for us to stay home because we don t want to take it from other humans, even if they are our friends or our relatives. But now the quarantine is over and we need to go back to our school and our jobs even if the virus is not over yet.

The last period was so boring for most of us, and now we can t stay anymore home because we need fresh air and we want to see our friends, we want to go outside in the park or playing games with our cousins. We want to take our life back even if it s hard, but there is also a mood that allow us to do it. We can wear mascks, and wash our hands everytime, or wearing gloves. We have to wash our shoes and to keep the distance, and of course we can t touch other people.

But I know that we are going to pass this period well and maybe in the feauture we will remember how bored was staying home!

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