Engleza, întrebare adresată de nicoletavip, 9 ani în urmă

am nevoie urgent de un eseu despre moldova

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valley
Moldova is an European country with its rich centuries-old history and culture. The integral part of its cultural heritage consists from different popular traditions. The ethnical diversity of this territory did not destroy the traditional lifestyle, but quite the contrary gave it a new ethnic flavour by forming an unique conglomeration of different customs, ceremonies, rituals, which are maintained in Moldavian villages nowadays. The main trait of Moldavian people is a hospitality. Every guest visiting Moldova is warmly welcomed.   The master of the hospitable house always has a glass of good Moldavian wine for a guest, and the hostess always has the most delicious dishes for him. Guests, as a rule, are invited in “Casa mare” — the most beautifully decorated room, where all important events and family celebrations take place. There are many holidays in Moldova. Winter holidays, for example, are attended with Christmas carols, good wishes and shows performed by children as well as by adults, who walk from house to house and inform of the arrival of a New Year. Everybody is looking forward to meeting Mos Creciun (Santa Claus) with the sack brimful of gifts. Children, as a rule, more than usual prepare for this meeting: they choose their costumes, masks as well as rehearse theatrical performances, etc. Actually, holidays of the traditional agricultural calendar in this period are coincide with the Christian Holy Day, related with the birth of Christ — Christmas. The traditional Moldavian holiday named "Martisor" is a symbol of spring. All inhabitants of Moldova fasten off to their clothes, somewhere in a chest area, a little ornament — Martisor. This ornament is weaved from red and white threads and symbolizes by itself a celebration of nature awakening. Also, in spring there is another religious holiday — Easter, in other words, Resurrection of Jesus Christ. People prepare in advance for this holiday. There are many delicious dishes, drinks, traditional Easter eggs and Easter cakes on their celebration tables. In time, Easter eggs became a true folk art and are well-known far abroad of Moldova. Many traditional holidays of Moldova are some mixing of various elements typical for agricultural, pastoral and religious calendars. This mixing turned into the permanent source of good nature, warmth and hospitality. All guests in Moldova during celebrations may participate in several cultural events, such as festivals (like “Martisor”, “Ciresar”, “Maria Biesu invites” etc.), theatrical gatherings (“Bitei” etc.), parades on the Independent Day, cities' and villages' births etc. Traditional trade fairs are organized in cities and villages during the harvest. During these events foreign tourists may take a closer look at popular art, traditional costumes, hand-made goods. If you don’t know about Moldavian family celebrations, like Cumatria (marriage brokerage), wedding etc. it means that you know nothing about Moldova. In Moldavian villages these events turn into true performances with the participation of great number of guests and gifts. Get-togethers with songs, competitions and dances during long winter evenings are the oldest tradition in Moldova. It’s true, each guest of Moldova becomes a friend in Casa Mare.
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