Engleza, întrebare adresată de andrei6425, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie urgent, ofer multe puncte si coroana

Create a story that’s a little bit creepy ( not too creepy ) using the words “ Vanish(-ed), relieved, gust of wind, Casy, comfortable, powerful, power cut, confused, velvet, snooze, fast asleep “

Povestea nu trebuie neaparat sa fie din aceea lunga, doar sa folositi cuvintele date in context.
Practic vreau ca textul sa nu fie neaparat lung, dar sa fie de calitate
Am nevoie de raspuns urgent si ofer coroana celei mai bune povesti, este foarte important asa ca va rog sa faceti cat de bine puteti :)

andrei6425: Apropo, “ casy “ nu este un cuvant, ci un nume!!
tupapifusan: Pai că nume și l-am pus

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tupapifusan


Casy was comfortable in her bed one night. She set her alarm for 7:00 and she was fast asleep. in the morning her alarm rang, she hit the snooze button and looked at the time. weirdly it was 3AM, she was confused but thought nothing of it. All of a sudden she felt a powerful gust of wind coming through the window. She got up to close it but as she got closer a weird, velvet silhouette appeared outside. out of fear she screamed and closed her eyes. With much hesitation she opened them but the silhouette has disappeared. With fear in the bottom of her heart she went back to bed, waking up relieved next morning. It was all a dream, or so she thinks

andrei6425: Foarte bine! Mulțumesc
tupapifusan: cu placere
ionflorrea6397: cine e in 2021 octombrie 11
tupapifusan: boss au trecut 10 zile
ionflorrea6397: stiu
ionflorrea6397: pe 26 octombrie e ziua mea
tupapifusan: bravo
ionflorrea6397: ai ti t()k
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