Engleza, întrebare adresată de copilaDolores, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie urgent Va rooog!!!!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gmorandi7

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

Completează propoziția a doua să aibă același înțeles cu prima.

Use up to three words.

Nu folosi mai mult de trei cuvinte.

The car is cheap, so we can buy it. Mașina e ieftină, o putem cumpăra.

The car is cheap enough to buy. /The car is cheap enough for us to buy it.

The report is so long that I can't read it. Raportul e așa lung că nu-l pot citi.

The report is too long for me to read.

There is so much noise in here that we can't talk. E atât de mult zgomot aici încât nu putem discuta.

It is too much noise in here to talk./  It is too noisy in here to talk.

The shoes are so big that I can't wear them.

The shoes are too big for me to wear.

She has saved as much money as she needs to go on holiday. A economisit atâția bani (noi am spune doar - /atât/) cât îi trebuie ca să plece în vacanță.

She has saved enough money to go on holiday. She has saved enough to go on holiday.

The house costs €200,000 and I only have €50,000. Casa costă €200 000, iar eu am doar €50 000 .

I don't have enough money to buy the house. / I don't have enough to buy the house.

It's very hot outside, so you needn't wear a coat. E foarte cald afară, așa încât nu ai nevoie să te îmbraci cu paltonul.

It's too hot outside to wear a coat.

The box was so heavy that he couldn't lift it by himself. Cutia era atât de grea încât nu a putut-o ridica singur.

The box was too heavy for him to lift by himself.

It was very late when I got home, so I didn't have dinner. Era foarte târziu când am ajuns acasă, așa că nu am mâncat de seară.

It was too late to have dinner when I got home.      

Caută mai multe exemple - în cărți online sau la bibliotecă - gramatică, dicționarele Merriam Webster, Cambridge.

Folosim ✒︎too much, too long, too ... când avem prea mult, e prea lung, putin, este prea mare, prea mic...  deci nu putem realiza acțiunea.

             ✑ enough to, enough for... când putem realiza actiunea.


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