Engleza, întrebare adresată de brianaaida1, 9 ani în urmă

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Traduceți în engleză:

"Am multe filme favorite dar de această dată am decis să vorbesc despre cărți. Mai exact despre seria cărților scrise de Anna Todd,o scriitoare uimitoare care și-a început cariera scriind cărți în mediul electronic iar mai apoi devenind faimoasă. Seria de cărți 'After' conține 5 volume.Fiind vorba despre dragostea a doi adolescenți, doi adolescenți din două lumi diferite, ea Tessa Yong, fata naivă și preocupată de cariera ei și de studii iar el, Hardin Scott, băiatul înconjurat de întuneric, baiatul care și-a văzut familia distrugând-se chiar sub ochii lui. Din băiatul iubitor ce era odată devine rece, distant și nepăsător a tot ce îl înconjoară. Odată ce o întâlnește pe Tessa, văzând-o naivă acceptă un pariu, un pariu pe care îl v-a regreta enorm după ce o cunoaște cu adevărat, se îndrăgostește dar odată ce minciunile ies la iveală, lumea din jurul lui creată alături de ea și dragostea enormă de dărâmă, trezindu-se iar singur.Pierde și ultima persoană care îl iubea cu adevărat... Continuarea se găsește în celelalte volume dar eu am ales să vorbesc doar despre prima parte. Prima parte din After a fost ecranizată Chiar anul acesta iar din 2020 partea a doua v-a fi disponibilă în cinematografe.Merită citite cărțile dar și văzute filmele. "

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AndreaDeea1234

Răspuns:I have a lot of favorite movies but this time I decided to talk about books. Specifically about the series of books written by Anna Todd, an amazing writer who started her career writing books in the electronic medium and then becoming famous. The 'After' book series contains 5 volumes. As for the love of two teenagers, two teenagers from two different worlds, she is Tessa Yong, the naive girl and concerned about her career and studies and he, Hardin Scott, the boy surrounded by darkness, the boy who saw his family being destroyed right under his eyes. From the once loving boy he becomes cold, distant and careless of everything that surrounds him. Once she meets Tessa, seeing her naively accepts a bet, a bet she will greatly regret after she truly knows him, he falls in love but once the lies come to light, the world around him is created alongside her and love. huge crumbling, waking up alone. Loses and the last person who really loved him ... The continuation is in the other volumes but I chose to talk only about the first part. The first part of After was screened Just this year and from 2020 the second part will be available in theaters. Worth reading books but watching movies


Răspuns de Yuuki7


I have a lot of favorite movies, but this time I decided to talk about books. To be exact about the book series written by Anna Todd, an amazing/exceptional writer that started her career in the electronic world, later on vetting famous. The book series 'After' has 5 volumes. It's about the love of two teenagers, two teenager from two different worlds, Tessa Yong, the naive girl and busy with her career and studies, and Harldin Scott, the boy surrounded by darkness, the boy who saw his family falling apart right under his eyes. From the loving boy that he once was, he becomes cold, distant and is treating everything around him with indifference. Once he meets Tessa Yong, him seeing her so naive, accepts a bet, a bet which he will regret a lot once he gets to know the true her, he falls in love, but once the lies came to light, the world around him created with her and the enormous love are falling apart, waking up all alone again. He looses the last person that truly loved him.... The sequel can be found in the other volumes, but I chose to talk only about the first part. The first part of 'After' was screened, this year and from 2020 the second part can be watched in cinemas. The books are worth reading and sl do the movies!

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