Engleza, întrebare adresată de Anna15, 10 ani în urmă

Am nevoie urgenta de rezolvare si va rog sa nu fi de pe google translate
Translate into English. Do not change anything in the parts already translated.
1. Nu cred ca vom ajunge la timp pe plaja.  Soarele va rasari in cateva secunde.
I don't................................ .The sun ...................................  .
2. Vom ateriza in curand pe aeroportul Heathrow. Va rugam sa va fixati centurile de siguranta si sa nu mai fumati.
We........................ shortly. Will..........................
3. Ma veti putea recunoaste pentru ca voi purta rochia mea rosie si o palarie mare, alba.
You ........................... to recognize me because I......................
4. Fractura nu e grava. Vei putea merge din nou in patru saptamani.
The fracture..................... You.......................
5. Sper ca atunci cand ne vom intoarce acasa copiii vor dormi.
I hope..................................................home.
6. Peste 50 de ani oamenii vor zbura pe Luna la sfarsit de saptamana.
In ........................ for the weekends.
7. Pregateste aparatul de filmat. Cascadorii vor sari de pe pod peste cateva clipe.
Get.................... The stuntmen...............................
8. Ma tem ca vor darama aceste cladiri vechi peste cateva luni, pentru a face loc unui nou magazin.
I'm afraid.......................down................... to make way................... .
9.Vei merge cu bicicleta dupa-masa sau pot s-o imprumut?
Will.............................lunch, or.........................?
10. Cu asemenea preturi la mancare, batranii vor muri in curand de foame.
With............................. the elderly..............................

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de karinarebeca
1. I don't think we'll make it to the beach on time. The sun will rise in a few seconds. 2. We will land on the Heatrow airport shortly. Will you please fasten your seatbelts and stop smoking. 3. You will be able to recoznize me because I will be wearing my red dress and a big white hat. 4. The fracture is not severe. You will be able to walk again in 4 weeks. 5. I hope that the children will fall asleep when we'll return home. 6. In 50 years, people will fly to the moon for the weekends. 7. Get the camera ready. The stuntmen will jump off the bridge in a few moments. 8. I'm afraid they will take down these old buildings in a few months to make way to a new store. 9. Will you ride the bike at lunch, or can I borrow it? 10. With such high prices on food, the elderly people will soon starve to death.
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