Engleza, întrebare adresată de delia2001, 9 ani în urmă

Am nevoie va rog frumos de un referat in engleza in care sa scrieti despre televizor cine l-a inventat , in ce an si la ce foloseste

Utilizator anonim: Sa inventam sau sa spunem adevarul ?
delia2001: adevarul
Utilizator anonim: bye bye !

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stefaniaoprea
TV (or simply, TV) is an electronic device used to receive and play visual broadcasting programs (TV broadcast), which broadcast TV programs being used today for entertainment, education and information. Technological development has turned TV into a complex device that can access the Internet and can play three-dimensional images.
Television beginnings date back to 1923, when Farnsworth invents a device for capturing images iconographer and its conversion into an electrical signal. In September 1927 made the first demonstration of television broadcasting. In 1930 the BBC started broadcasting a television program regularly. In 1936 there were approximately 200 television sets worldwide. In 1940 he made a color television system which can reproduce up to 343 lines. In 1956 it introduced a system based on magnetic tape to be recorded broadcast programs. In the same year is done and the first TV remote. In the United States in 1967, most television broadcasts were in color. The TV uses either a CRT screen (in this case, using an electron gun) or an LCD or plasma screen, in this case the costs are high.
On 25 March 1954, the Radio Corporation of America opened the first color television assembly line at its plant in Bloomington [1]. The company produced 5,000 TVs 30 inches diagonal (color-receptor model CT-100), which he sold at $ 1,000 each, astronomical sum at the time

delia2001: auzi poti sa imi zici te rog cum se zice 2000 in engleza ?
stefaniaoprea: two thousand
delia2001: ms
Utilizator anonim: Pot sa copiez raspunsul tau si sa il pun si eu aici ? Sa imi dea puncte ? ca iti da tie coroana
stefaniaoprea: Sigur :)
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
TV (or simply, TV) is an electronic device used to receive and play visual broadcasting programs (TV broadcast), which broadcast TV programs being used today for entertainment, education and information. Technological development has turned TV into a complex device that can access the Internet and can play three-dimensional images.
Television beginnings date back to 1923, when Farnsworth invents a device for capturing images iconographer and its conversion into an electrical signal. In September 1927 made the first demonstration of television broadcasting. In 1930 the BBC started broadcasting a television program regularly. In 1936 there were approximately 200 television sets worldwide. In 1940 he made a color television system which can reproduce up to 343 lines. In 1956 it introduced a system based on magnetic tape to be recorded broadcast programs. In the same year is done and the first TV remote. In the United States in 1967, most television broadcasts were in color. The TV uses either a CRT screen (in this case, using an electron gun) or an LCD or plasma screen, in this case the costs are high.
On 25 March 1954, the Radio Corporation of America opened the first color television assembly line at its plant in Bloomington [1]. The company produced 5,000 TVs 30 inches diagonal (color-receptor model CT-100), which he sold at $ 1,000 each, astronomical sum at the time
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