Engleza, întrebare adresată de antonetaelena, 10 ani în urmă

Am si eu nevoie de traducere. fara google translate va rog
Stateam intinsa pe banca si deodata cineva incepe sa planga. M-am ridicat de pe banca si cu pasi mici m-am dus la acel copil. El tot vorbea singur . M-am apropiat de el si cand l-am atins disparu-se . M-am dus inapoi pe banca si iar cineva plangea. De data asta erau doi copii care plangeau. O fata si un baiat. M-am dus iar sa vad de ce plangeau. Ei se uitau la mine foarte strident si mi-au spus " ca nu ar trebui sa imi para rau " , iar dupa au disparut . 
Se aude un caine care latra . Ma ridic de pe banca si imi dau seama ca totul a fost un vis. Cand am plecat din parc , pe trecerea de pietoni treceau cei doi copii din visul meu. Un sofer ,care vroia sa faca impresie unor prieni , avea fiteza foarte mare . el nu a vazut cei doi copii. A avut loc un accident foarte groznic

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I was lying on the bench when someone started crying.I got up and, with small steps I went to that kid. He was talking alone.I approached and when I touched him, he dissappeared. I went back to the bench and again someone was crying. This time there were two kids crying. A girl and a boy. I went to see why were they crying.They were looking at me very strident and told me I shouldn't be sorry, then dissappeared. I heared a dog barking. I get up and I realise it was just a dream. When I was coming from the park, on the zebra were passing the kids in my dream. A driver that wanted to impress his friends has a high speed and didn't see one of the kids. There happened a terrible accident.

antonetaelena: mersi
amanda1366: ie on the bench and someone suddenly began to cry. M - got up from the bench and small steps m -I went to that child. He was talking alone. M - I approached him and when I - I touched disappeared - it . M - I went back to the bank and someone crying . That's two children were crying care data . A girl and a boy . M - I went to see what IAR crying . They looked at me very loud and I - said " I should not be sorry " and after they disappeared .
UN sounds barking dog care . I get up from the bench
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