Am si eu nevoie de un proiect despre CyberBulling
va rog sa ma ajutati si sa nu raspundeti la panarama pls
Răspunsuri la întrebare
In today's day and age cyberbullying really gets out of hand , because nowadays we can get cyberbullied almost anywhere , from online sites , to online video games , it happens the most in video games in my opinion.
For example when your team is loosing and the other team says that you are worthless and that you suck at the game only to make you mad . In some cases it even helps them because the person they're telling this to usually gets mad or very sad.
Cyberbullying is not ok and it shouldn't be done by anyone it can really scar you if you are a kid , or it can even lower your faith in humanity drastically until you have none left.
In conclusion cyberbullying is a modern day and age problem which can only be avoided by being social and getting friends outside the virtual world