Engleza, întrebare adresată de tucc3, 9 ani în urmă

Am si eu nevoie niste informatii daca se poate despre "Drepturile omului / Human rights " cu referire la dreptul la egalitate si libertate in engleza/romana, am cautat si nu prea stiu ce sa scriu.

Multumesc frumos!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
We can not say that a society is developed if basic human rights are not equaly guaranteed to every one. Every individual should be protected against discrimination for his/her religion, gender, political opinion, ethnic group or sexual orientation. All citizens must have equal rights in front of law, whether the individual is rich or poor. Unfortunately, even thought most of the societies recognize those rights as basic pillars, often it happens that the minorities of a population tend to be emarginized and not have equal opportunities. For example sexual orientation is still considered as a problem to be solved and an illness to be cured. And therefore, homosexual citizens tend to have less rights with respect to heterosexual ones. This also happens with ethnic minorities, for whom having different traditions, history and language, is difficult to integrate in the society and they continue to be considered as "foreigns". Moreover, considering gender, most of the managerial positions in a company belong to men. There is also a difference in the wadge, for the same position men tend to be payed more than women. To sum up, we can say that there is a long way to really achieve equality and guarantee freedom to every individual in a society.

Sper ca ti-am dat un pic de inspirație! :)
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