Engleza, întrebare adresată de HazalKaya11, 9 ani în urmă

Am si eu o tema la engleza, trebuie sa ne imaginam ca ii trimitem un mesaj actorului nostru preferat si am nevoie urgent de o traducere buna in engleza.

Acesta este mesajul:
Buna, Radhika Madan! Vreau sa-ti spun ca esti o actrita minunata, iar eu sunt una din fanele tale numarul 1. Te-am urmarit incepand cu filmul ''Meri aashiqui tumse hi'', care m-a impresionat extrem de mult. In film te numeai Ishani, acest nume mi-a placut si imi place in continuare extrem de mult. Cat si Ranveer, care m-a impresionat pana la lacrimi. Sunte-ti niste actori deosebiti si va urez succes si in continuare, incat imi doresc sa evoluati din ce in ce mai mult. Prin primul film in care ai jucat alaturi de Shakati Arora, m-a ajutat sa iubesc, sa invat ce este viata. Mereu se vedea lupta dintre viata si moarte, iubire si ura, incat si multe altele. Va ador, esti uimitoare. Filmul despre viata, m-a inspirat extrem de mult!
Mi-as dori extrem de mult sa-mi raspunzi la acest mesaj! Cu drag fana ta Andreea!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Letitiasqn
Hello Radhika Madan! I would like to tell you that you are a wonderful actress, and i'm one of your biggest fans! I have been following you ever since the movie "Meri aashiqui tumsr hi", which really impressed me. In that movie, your name was Ishani, a name which I've liked and I still like so much, just as Ranveer, which impressed me to tears. You both are wonderful actors, and I honestly wish you the best, as I want you to become more and more popular. The first movie you've played in together with Shakati Arora, helped me to love, to learn what is life. You could see the war between life and death, love and hate, just as many others, all the time. I adore/love you, you're amazing. The movie about love impressed me so much!
I really wish you could answer my message!
Best wishes, your fan, Andreea.

HazalKaya11: Multumesc frumos! :))
Răspuns de Leonard
Hello, Radhika Madan! I want to tell you that you are a wonderful actress, and I am one of your fans number one. I've pursued you starting with the film "Meri aashiqui tumse hi", which impressed me to a high extent. Your name in the film was Ishani, I liked it at that time and I still do to an extreme degree. The same happened with Ranveer, who impressed me to tears. You are special actors and I wish you good luck in your following projects, because I wish you to evolve more and more. The first movie in which you played next to Shakati Arora, has helped me to love, to learn what life is like. One could always see the battle between life and death, love and hatred, and much more. I adore you, you are amazing! The film about life inspired me to the highest extent!
I would be thrilled if you answered to this message!
With love (with admiration), your fan, Andreea!

HazalKaya11: Multumesc frumos! :))
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