Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Am un proiect in care trebuie sa vorbesc despre importanta englezei in diferite domenii (muzica cultura etc) si trebuie pentru fiecare domeniu cate un paragraf de vreo 4-5randuri.Va rog frumos ajutati-ma il vreau in romana ca pot sa il traduc (bineinteles ca nu ma supar daca e in engleza).Plzzzz Va rooog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de eve2
nu prea am ideee dar uite o sugestie micaa:
English it's the most important language in Europe.
When a person from Romania for example it's speaking with a person from another country Greece, Spain, Poland etc. they are talking in english.
So this is it! English is the most spoken language in Europe!

eve2: ploiesti
bybyangel2005: stai aproape de mine
eve2: tu unde stai?
bybyangel2005: in buftea
bybyangel2005: judet ilfov
bybyangel2005: daca iei maxi taxi ala al vostru bucuresti-ploiesti o sa dai de buftea
bybyangel2005: tu ce cls. esti?
eve2: a 6-a
eve2: :P
bybyangel2005: ooooohoo
Răspuns de bybyangel2005
music, you want to play or compose a song have to know English, times, verbs, nouns etc.
culture, when you are in the country called England, emphasis must to know the words, expressions when you talk and you're in the UK you have to think the words in English

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