Engleza, întrebare adresată de denisdenis19, 9 ani în urmă

Analizați verbele to go si to Washington la forma indicativ si negativ.

MrsAnca: ce verb este Washtington? La ce timp vrei conjugarea lor?te rog revino vu detalii
MrsAnca: indicativ nu e o forma,cred ca vrei interogativ
MrsAnca: si cred ca vrei wash nu Washington,corect?
MrsAnca: a mai vrut cineva tema asta asa ca presupun ce tot tema asta o ai si tu,ti-asm facut-o

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrsAnca
am i going?
are you going?
is he,she it going?
are we going?
are you going?
are they going?

i am not going 
you aren't going
he ,she,it isn't going
we aren't going
you aren't going
they aren't going

to wash
am i washing?
are you washing?
is he,she it washing?
are we washing?
are you washing?
are they washing?

i am not washing
you aren't washing
he ,she,it isn't washing
we aren't washing
you aren't washing
they aren't washing
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