Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaelaniculcea2005, 8 ani în urmă

And we had to do lots of interpreting for my parents,' adds Piotr.
They really had problems speaking English. Once, my mother asked
for roast kitchen" in a restaurant. It took the waitress a while to work
out that she wanted chicken!" he laughs. But they've made a lot of
progress since then!"
Language problems aside, has adapting to a new country been
difficult? "A bit' says Joasia. Some things were puzzling. The first
time I heard about hockey I thought it must be on ice. I'd been to
several games back in Poland. It was always men who played, too. So
I was surprised to be taken to a field, but when I saw that girls were
playing on grass I was flabbergasted!
Piotr thinks they have adapted well. We've been living here in
England for four years now and we're beginning to do things the
English way. We even went to Spain on holiday this year!' he says
with a smile.

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apa aer rip bip aici ffghhh

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