Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

And"y scool is next to the public library .His house is behing the scool .The supermarket is between the new block of flast and the post office .There is an old in the neighbourhood.Andy and his friends often play there.

jdgmental: Ce trebuie facut? 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de jdgmental

Scoala lui Andy e langa biblioteca publica. Casa lui este in spatele scolii. Magazinul este intre nould bloc de apartamente si posta. In cartier este un vechi (?? lipseste un cuvant). Andy si prietenii lui se joaca des acolo.

Uite unde lipseste un cuvant: 
Andy's scool is next to the public library .His house is behing the scool .The supermarket is between the new block of flast and the post office .There isan old (?? lipseste un cuvant) in the neighbourhood.Andy and his friends often play there.
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