Engleza, întrebare adresată de Sweetmouse25, 8 ani în urmă

Answer T(true), F(false) or DK(don't know).
1.Gabriel and Sandra are making a cake.
2.Joe knows about the cake.
3.Katie and Sam saw a parrot outside the house.
4.They were on their bicycles
5.The parrot saw them.
6.There are lost of wild parrots in Britain.
7.Sandra lets Sam taste the cake.
Va rog!! Este urgent! Textul este in fotografie!!!
Si sa spuneti de ce este asa , because , va rog!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 102533
1 true - because - They're making Joe's birthday cake.
2 false - because - It's a surprise.
3 true - because - Sam said : We saw a parrot on the way home.
4 don't know - because - It doesn't say. sau false - because - Sam said: 'We were walking back from the cinema.' - nu spune ca mergeau pe biciclete deci poate mergeau pe jos.
5 don't know - because - It doesn't say.
6 false - because - Parrots can't live in Britain because it's too cold.
7 false - because- Sandra said: 'No, hands off!'
Răspuns de IULLITZA
1.because the image tells us they were making a cake
2.because they tell that Its a surprise
3.because they tell that they saw a parrot outside
4.they said they saw the parrot when they came from the cinema
6. because in britain its cold
7.because she said <hands off!>
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