Limba română, întrebare adresată de Andreea2568, 8 ani în urmă

Answer the following questions: Do you like animation films? Why/Why not?
dau coroana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Bibix14

Do you like animation films?

No,i don't.


I don't like them because they are boring.

Bibix14: de ce crezi ca sunt din china?
Bibix14: da
Bibix14: uneori nu stiu sa spun cuvinte in romana dar le stiu in engleza
Bibix14: ok
Bibix14: ai pe profil ex?
Bibix14: nu ai pe profil ?
Răspuns de sushisimi714


I really like animation films because I think they are so well done. The creators put a lot of work in it, and it's really fun to watch.

Another reason is that, the characters are mostly so cute, their apperance is so friendly and the animation can be unreal, the things that are imposible in real life, there are possible.

Bibix14: tu sti?
Bibix14: e bn si atat dar poti mai mult te sustin!❤❤
Bibix14: si mie imi place engleza
Bibix14: cpl❤
sushisimi714: cu placere. daca mai ai nevoie de ceva legat de engleza te voi ajuta
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