answer the questions

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.You need skis to practice Big Mountain Skiing.
2. People who jump in base jumping jump from BASE structures.
3. The difference between skydiving and base jumping is that you have a much shorter time of reacting in case a parachute fails when you are base jumping.
4. Surf boards are called guns in Big wave surfing.
5. The text says the surf boards size vary by the size of the wave and the technique of surfing.
6. When people practice ski base jumping they ski off a cliff with a parachute on.
7. The highest recorded survivable ski jump without a parachute was 67 meters.
8. The suit used to practice wingsuit create the surface area with fabric between the legs and under the arms.
9. The person who practices wingsuit also wears parachute equipment.
10. The first wingsuit was developed in the late 1990s.