Engleza, întrebare adresată de Chocolata, 9 ani în urmă

Answer the questions in written form.
a) What are the main changes that have taken place in Great Britain?
b) What facts make Britain wealthier?
c) What facts make Britain more miserable?
d) How would you entitle the text?
e) Do you agree or disagree with the title of the text given by your classmates?

Letitiasqn: si textul pe baza caruia trebuie sa raspundem unde e?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dana89
a) Two main changes that have taken place in Britain are the Industrial Revolution and the Agricultural Revolution.
b) Britain is wealthier thanks to its exports and thanks to the fact that for many decades, it was a colonial power. It ruled over many countries and profited from the cheap raw materials imported from there.
c) Something which makes Britain more miserable are the changes in the welfare system, where people aren't getting as much money as they used to. Another thing is the weather, which makes a lot of people depressed.
d) British lives
e) I agree with the title given by my classmates.
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