Engleza, întrebare adresată de sofi3324, 9 ani în urmă

ar putea cineva să mă ajute cu o compunere descriptivă în engleză in care sa se foloseasca cât mai multe cuvinte referitoare la corpul uman?10 randuri?E urgeent​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NonameA


The human body term refers to anatomy structure. Human body is made up from different cells that build up the organs and tissue.

We have a lot of tissue and many organs in our body, so just think of how many cells there must be.

The cells are very important to our body, and very sensitive. Thats why we need to take a good care of our body so we dont put our cells and so our organs in danger of deterioration.

I once asked my family doctor about how can i keep myself hydrated. I heard him talking about it and he actually told me that i need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to maintain myself healthy and hydrated.

Our body is full of surprises, isnt it?

Nu e perfecta dar sper ca te-am ajutat

sofi3324: iti multumeeesc muuult mult de tot
NonameA: cu plăcere
sofi3324: e originala?
NonameA: Da
NonameA: de aia am spus ca nu e perfectă :)
sofi3324: e foaaarte bună=)))))
NonameA: :) ma bucur ca te-am putut ajuta
sofi3324: =))
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